Rapporti tecnici 1997
- Structures in the Web (RT-19)
Paolo Atzeni, Giansalvatore Mecca, Paolo Merialdo, Elena Tabet
- ElfRW: A Tool for Higher-Order Dependently Typed Rewriting (System Description) (RT-20)Wolfgang Gehrke
- A Control-Flow Analysis for a Calculus of Concurrent Objects (RT-21)
Paolo Di Blasio, Kathleen Fisher, Carolyn Talcott
- A Three-dimensional Matching Model for Perishable Production Scheduling (RT-22)
Claudio Arbib, Dario Pacciarelli, Stefano Smriglio
- Planning as model construction in linear temporal logic (RT-23)
Marta Cialdea Mayer, Serenella Cerrito, Amedeo Cesta
- A Prefixed Tableau Calculus for Plan Generation in Linear Temporal Logic (RT-24)
Serenella Cerrito, Marta Cialdea Mayer
- Design and Maintenance of Data-Intensive Web Sites (RT-25)
Paolo Atzeni, Giansalvatore Mecca, Paolo Merialdo
- Dimension-Independent BSP (1): Section and Interior to Boundary Mapping (RT-26)
Claudio Baldazzi, Alberto Paoluzzi
- Management and Translation of Heterogeneous Database Schemes in a Lattice Framework (RT-27)
Paolo Atzeni, Riccardo Torlone
- Dimension-Independent BSP (2): Boundary to Interior Mapping (RT-29)
Claudio Baldazzi, Alberto Paoluzzi
- A unified multidimensional approach to extrusion, sweeping, offset and Minkowski sum (RT-30
Alberto Paoluzzi