Visual discovery of the correlation between BGP routing and round-trip delay active measurements

Initial state of the visualization. AS0 is the SourceAS and AS5 is the TargetAS. AS1, AS2, AS3 and AS4 complete the AS graph. BG1, BG2 and BG3 are the SourceBGs of AS0. The AS paths start from the SourceBGs and end at AS5. AS0 contains 11 probes, partitioned between the SourceBGs (note that the probe n.7 does not belong to any cluster).


Inter-domain routing data and Internet active probing measurements are two types of information commonly available in huge datasets and subject to extensive, focused analysis. However, the study of the correlation between these two complementary types of information still remains one of the most challenging problems in today’s research in networking. In this paper we describe a metaphor for the visualization of the interplay between the routing information exchanged via BGP and the round-trip delay measurements collected by several geolocated probes. We implemented a prototype based on the above metaphor. Our prototype highlights both the Autonomous System topology and the latency associated with each AS-path over time. Further, it shows how probes are partitioned into clusters associated with each border gateway, based on observed traffic patterns. The resulting visualization allows the user to explore the dynamics of the correlation between the two types of information.

See also the project’s web page.

Giordano Da Lozzo
Assistant Professor (RTDb)

My research interests are in Algorithm Engineering and Complexity, focused in particular on the theoretical and algorithmic challenges arising from the visualization of graphs.