We consider drawings of graphs that contain dense subgraphs. We introduce intersection-link representations for such graphs, in which each vertex $u$ is represented by a geometric object $R(u)$ and in which each edge $(u,v)$ is represented by the …
NodeTrix representations are a popular way to visualize clustered graphs; they represent clusters as adjacency matrices and inter-cluster edges as curves connecting the matrix boundaries. We study the complexity of constructing NodeTrix …
We consider the task of visually exploring relationships (such as established connections, similarity, reachability, etc) among a set of practical solution based on separating and then integrating back again the networked and geographical dimensions …
We present a system for the visualization of information modeled in terms of a graph on a smartphone. First, we show the adopted visualization paradigm, that allows the user to navigate the graph using a focus-based approach. Second, we tackle the …
We present a system for the visualization of information modeled in terms of a graph on a smartphone. First, we show the adopted visualization paradigm, that allows the user to navigate the graph using a focus-based approach. Second, we tackle the …